Meet the Team: Spotlight on D5’s Editorial Assistant, Leonor Gomes

Meet the Team: Spotlight on D5’s Editorial Assistant, Leonor Gomes

We’re excited to introduce the next installment of our “Meet the Team” series, highlighting Leonor Gomes, our skilled editorial assistant. With a background in Journalism and Communication, Leonor is deeply passionate about weaving captivating stories. Her style is a delightful fusion of the diverse cultures and places she’s called home. From the enchanting streets of Lisbon to the historic alleys of Rome, each city has left its mark on her aesthetic sensibilities.

Stay tuned for more intriguing interviews featuring the talented members of the D5 team. They’ll each offer a unique perspective and share their contributions that make our online magazine a must-read for design enthusiasts and professionals alike.

Meet the Team: Spotlight on D5’s Editorial Assistant, Leonor Gomes

Can you tell us about your journey to becoming the editorial assistant at D5 MAG?

I started searching for a job in journalism right after finishing my Bachelor in Journalism and Communication, however, it was hard to find a good fit. Not only is the journalism scene saturated, but coming from Portugal made getting an opportunity a bit hard. I quickly found out that my best shot to work in my dream field was to search online, where the world sometimes feels bigger. After searching for a while and finding out that marketing was not for me, I stumbled upon D5. What first drew me in was the creativity that went into writing for a new magazine, and perhaps more importantly, how D5 was an open door into the dynamic world of design. I sent an application, met the team, wrote a few articles, and got hooked fast. Not only have I interviewed people who are shaping the world, but I’ve also learned the “ins and outs” of this profession that I love. I’m excited to continue growing alongside D5.

How has your background in journalism and communications shaped your approach to storytelling?

From constantly interviewing my sister when I was a child (she loved the attention), to founding newspapers with my friends, to writing pieces for radio and magazines, and to directing documentaries, I think I managed to get a good grasp of the many levels of storytelling—my degree helped too, of course. However, I believe that a good storyteller needs more than just the techniques that give life to a story. I think that my choices, experiences, and especially my friends helped me understand people and what they want, what matters to society, what hurts to hear, and what utopias are most dreamed of. For years now, I’ve been discovering how diversity influences society by engaging with people from all over the world, and the lessons have been immense. I know I still have so much to learn about storytelling, but I couldn’t be more grateful for all I’ve been able to experience and give life to.

As a young journalist, what excites you most about the future of journalism?

My friends and family say I’m full of utopian dreams, but I don’t believe that hoping for the best should be considered as such. I do consider myself an idealist, though. I see journalism as an indivisible part of democracy, a fourth power of sorts, the watchdog that informs people of the moves of the other three powers: executive, legislative, and judicial. I think that journalism eventually got a bit lost and that its role got blurry, however, I see it trying to get back on its feet. A journalist must know several areas that rule society, such as economy, geopolitics, culture, art, etc – that’s why I strive to learn as much as I can. I am currently undertaking a Master’s in Political Science and International Science, and I believe that combining that knowledge with what I’m constantly learning about the world of design will make me more apt for the future. I think that journalism will eventually become, again, the profession of passionate people who wish to change the world, and with all the online platforms we have going on, this goal has never been closer. I am excited to see a society without stigmas and inequalities, where every dream is worthy and people trust journalists, and where people who take advantage of others can’t hide anymore. Yes, this will take a while, but from what I see around me, this isn’t as utopian as some might think.

What new design trends are you currently interested in, and what about them captures your attention?

I am currently in awe of the eclectic style we are seeing everywhere; the colors and personal expressions are so over the top that it’s impossible not to smile when looking at the designs. The focus on sustainability makes me feel butterflies in my belly as well. I find it impressive how some designers can bring eco-consciousness to the next level, and it gives me extra hope for the future! However, if I were to define my style, I would say that I’m more of a Mediterranean, old Italian palazzo by the sea, Portuguese tiles all over the house kind of girl. Honestly, I don’t know what to call this style, but I feel like vintage designer furniture combined with hand-painted murals and all-tiled kitchens and bathrooms make for a great vibe. Complement it with melon and prosciutto on a hardwood dining table, a Sauvignon white wine in old-school glasses, some Bossa Nova playing on vinyl, and I’m the happiest girl alive. Portugal gave me this preference, but having lived in Rome influenced my taste!

Beyond your professional life, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Well, this is a hard question because I try to always be on the move! I love reading and listening to music; these are part of my top 10 things in life, as are my friends, home-cooked meals, and sunset parties at the beach (I grew up on the coast of Portugal, so the ocean has always been a big part of my life). As I grow up, I find that these life candies become tastier by the day, and I am constantly discovering new flavors I never knew I’d like. I’m a girl of many passions, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I also love to write (clearly) and would love to one day publish some of my poems, perhaps some short stories as well. One day I truly hope to see journalism change the world, find the antiques store of my dreams, write a book, and help produce a music album, all while contributing to creating D5’s top-tier design articles.