d5 meet the team

Meet the Team: Spotlight on D5’s Editor-in-Chief, Mirna Huhoja-Dóczy

We’re excited to begin our “Meet the Team” series, where we’ll introduce you to the people behind D5 MAG. Our team members bring their special skills and love for design to make D5 MAG a top spot for design fans.

To start, meet Mirna, our Editor-in-Chief. In this interview, we’ll learn about Mirna’s journey from her early days at Elle Croatia to her job as Editor-in-Chief at D5.

Stay tuned for more engaging interviews with the rest of the D5 team, where each member will share their unique perspective and contributions that make our online magazine the go-to platform for design enthusiasts and professionals.

Mirna Huhoja-Dóczy
Mirna Huhoja-Dóczy

Can you share with us your journey from your early days to becoming the Editor-in-Chief of D5 MAG?

My journey has been quite the adventure. It all began when I joined ELLE Croatia, where I first witnessed the real impact of design. This inspired me to take the leap from Zagreb, Croatia, to Budapest, Hungary, where I got the role of a country manager for an exciting Australian startup. As the company expanded, opening a second European office, I ended up spending a lot of time in the Netherlands.

After that, as an independent professional I worked with different clients from all over the world on various communication and marketing projects. In 2018, I joined the Farmani Group. Then, in 2022, I had the wonderful opportunity to join the 3C Group, where I am contributing to their marketing efforts.

I’m particularly thrilled to be in my current position. It brings me great joy that the 3C Group recognized my potential and gave me the dream opportunity to work on a magazine.

You are now a part of 3C Group, a sister company of Farmani Group. What do you personally love about the work they do, and do you have any favorite design projects or designers they’ve recognized?

I’m truly inspired by 3C Group’s commitment to acknowledging and celebrating exceptional design. They’ve honored many brilliant architects and designers, and it’s amazing to have the opportunity to explore exceptional works of art and design and meet the incredible people behind them.

It’s tough to pick just one design project or designer, but one that comes to my mind first is Karim Rashid. His work has received recognition multiple times, and we recently had the pleasure of featuring an interview with him in our publication.

Beyond your professional life, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

As a mother of two, my interests and hobbies revolve around spending quality time with my family. I like to travel when I can, whether it’s a road trip to a nearby town or an international destination. I love the excitement of discovering new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes. I am also passionate about arts and design, and I try to visit exhibitions as ofthen as possible as it helps me discover the latest trends, innovative ideas, and the work of talented artists and designers.

What design trends excite you, and how will D5 MAG stay up-to-date with them?

I’m really excited about the way design is always changing. Sustainable design shows how we can help the environment and it’s amazing to see more focus on using recycled materials, reducing waste, and making energy-efficient spaces. Also, the mix of technology and design is fascinating. Using advanced materials, smart home tech, and digital tools in design is changing how we interact with our surroundings. It brings new ideas for creativity and making things work better.

At D5, we’re committed to keeping up with these changes. We want to show how sustainable design and the latest tech in design are making the world a better place. It’s our way of making sure D5 MAG keeps being a point for inspiration and information as the design world moves forward.

Can you provide some insights into the magazine’s future plans and how you envision it evolving in the coming years?

D5 MAG’s future is exciting. We plan to continue our mission of being the go-to platform for design enthusiasts and professionals. We’re constantly evolving our content to stay ahead of the curve, and building even stronger connections within the design community. Expect more exclusive interviews, in-depth design analysis, and a broader global reach as we continue to celebrate and advocate for great design.