Donald Judd

Keeping Up With the Fakes? Kim Kardashian Sued for Inauthentic Donald Judd Furniture

Judd Foundation—a non-for-profit organization based in New York City and Marfa, Texas which preserves the work and legacy of artist Donald Judd—filed a federal lawsuit against reality television personality Kim Kardashian and Los Angeles-based design firm Clements Design over inauthentic furniture that Clements Design fabricated and sold to Ms. Kardashian for use in the office of her company, SKKN BY KIM.

In a previously posted YouTube video showcasing a tour of her 40,000-square-foot SKKN by Kim office space, Kardashian prominently featured the minimalist furniture lining her neutral workspace. While praising the pieces, she mistakenly identified them as “Donald Judd tables,” attributing the design to the renowned artist. This video has since been deleted.

Kim Kardashian gestures toward tables she describes as being designed by Donald Judd in a video tour of her offices.Credit...via YouTube
Kim Kardashian gestures toward tables she describes as being designed by Donald Judd in a video tour of her offices. Credit: YouTube

Following the press coverage of the video, on August 15, 2022, the Judd Foundation contacted Kardashian’s representatives, who confirmed that the table and chairs were indeed fake. Clements Design knowingly fabricated and sold the fake designs. Judd Foundation’s attempt to resolve this matter without litigation was met with delays and excuses from Kim Kardashian and Clements Design.

Each authentic piece of Donald Judd furniture meets the exacting design, fabrication, and material specifications that Donald Judd established during his lifetime. The actions of Clements Design and Kim Kardashian—and their refusal to properly resolve this matter with the Judd Foundation—undermine Judd’s legacy and impair the Foundation’s ability to control the quality and goodwill of his iconic designs.

The lawsuit says the creation of tables so close in design to that of Judd’s represents a case of trademark infringement.Credit...via YouTube
The lawsuit says the creation of tables so close in design to that of Judd’s represents a case of trademark infringement. Credit: YouTube

“Donald Judd’s furniture is an integral part of his legacy. As an artist’s foundation, our primary mission is to protect and preserve his work,” said Rainer Judd, President of Judd Foundation and daughter of the late artist. “Ms Kardashian’s furniture is irrefutably fake. The existence of inauthentic furniture undermines the integrity of his original work which includes specifications of design, craftsmanship, and materials. Today, the Judd Foundation works directly with select fabricators to maintain the standards of quality he set for his furniture. This requires that all furniture that is made and sold with his name is made by Donald Judd Furniture.”

“This case is about protecting the intellectual property rights of the Judd Foundation, including its trademarks and copyrights,” said Megan K. Bannigan, Partner at Debevoise & Plimpton and counsel to the Judd Foundation. “The existence and promotion of fake Donald Judd furniture harms both consumers and the Judd Foundation. The fake furniture has caused massive consumer confusion – with millions of Ms Kardashian’s followers being misled to believe that the furniture in Ms Kardashian’s office is real Donald Judd furniture.  It also undermines the Judd Foundation’s ability to control the quality of the works created using Donald Judd’s iconic designs and the goodwill that exists in those creations.” 

“If creators’ works can simply be usurped with no repercussions and exploited by other people,” added Ms Judd, “what will be the protection for artists and designers to further create in the future?”