An Eco-Conscious Installation Offers Cooling Solutions for a Warming World

An Eco-Conscious Installation Offers Cooling Solutions for a Warming World

As the world grapples with the reality of global warming surpassing the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius, the climate crisis has moved far beyond mere statistics. We are witnessing firsthand the impacts of this shift, with increasingly intense and frequent heat waves that demand a reevaluation of both our physical responses and urban planning strategies. In light of these challenges, finding innovative ways to stay cool is not just a matter of comfort—it’s a necessary step in adapting to our changing environment.

The “Eau Fraîche” installation, designed by Lucas Huillet, exemplifies such ingenuity. Presented earlier this month at Paris Design Week, it features two striking fountains constructed from Polygood®, a 100% recycled plastic material created by The Good Plastic Company. The installation’s Sapphire Terrazzo pattern, with its deep blue hue reminiscent of traditional terrazzo, is made entirely from recycled plastic reels, showcasing sustainability in both form and function.

An Eco-Conscious Installation Offers Cooling Solutions for a Warming World

The fountains are composed of geometric blocks and a series of leaking pipelines. Each leak directs water into ceramic containers, symbolizing the importance of gathering and preserving both our physical resources and the knowledge needed to protect them.

William Chizhovsky, CEO and founder of The Good Plastic Company, shared his thoughts on the collaboration: “Lucas Huillet’s work meaningfully incorporates ecological and natural materials. Such artistic designs are part of an important broader movement, a shift within the design industry towards more sustainable creations. Our material is one of the pioneers in this evolution, and we are thrilled to see Polygood® being part of this installation.”

An Eco-Conscious Installation Offers Cooling Solutions for a Warming World

In addition to the fountains, Huillet crafted stoneware bowls to catch the water droplets, adding a handcrafted element that emphasizes both the value of manual work and the preservation of natural resources. The tactile dimension of these stoneware pieces complements the overall ecological message of the installation.

An Eco-Conscious Installation Offers Cooling Solutions for a Warming World

As we continue to face the mounting challenges of climate change, installations like “Eau Fraîche” remind us of the essential role design plays in shaping our responses. By combining artistic expression with ecological responsibility, Lucas Huillet and The Good Plastic Company are contributing to the broader movement toward sustainability within the design world. The installation is on display until 22 September 2024 in the Cour d’honneur of the Hôtel de Soubise at the National Archives, Paris.