Zagreb Design Week (ZGDW)

Zagreb Design Week: Breaking the Glass Ceiling – A Design Revolution, Now Open for Exploration

Last night marked the opening of the 11th edition of the largest Croatian design festival, Zagreb Design Week (ZGDW). Held for the first time at the historic Jadran Film Studios, this year’s festival is packed with inspiring exhibitions, panels, workshops, concerts, and film screenings. From now until the end of the week, the event promises something for everyone, with a focus on pushing boundaries in design.

The festival’s theme, “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: A Design Revolution,” beautifully encapsulates the ethos of the event—promoting diversity, equality, creativity, and collaboration. It’s a refreshing and much-needed reminder that the design world is more than just aesthetics; it’s about inclusion and innovation that benefits everyone.

During the opening ceremony, festival organizer Danijel Tomić was joined by Italy’s Ambassador to Croatia, Paolo Trichilo, representing Italy as the partner country this year. Italian design has long been a beacon in the global design scene, and through special exhibitions and film screenings, the festival highlights the immense contributions of women in Italian design. One of the main exhibition spaces was aptly renamed the “Italian Pavilion,” dedicated to showcasing the history and influence of Italian female designers.

Eric Hauck, a representative from the Catalonian government, also graced the event, showcasing the festival’s truly international reach. Through collaboration with the Catalonian FAD association, the “Sustainable Changes — Fashion for Bodily Diversity” exhibition offers a unique look at how fashion can drive social change. This crossover between sustainability and design is a topic that resonates deeply in today’s design discourse, showing that great design doesn’t just look good; it does good.

ZGDW’s international spirit shines this year with exhibitions from design festivals in Chile, Mexico, and Spain. Tijuana and San Diego, the 2024 World Design Capital, present the “Percepción Peculiar” exhibition, exploring cross-cultural design influences. It’s fascinating to see how two cities, separated by a border, influence each other’s design practices so seamlessly. It’s a vivid reminder that creativity transcends boundaries—something we could all use more of in today’s world.

Chile brings forward a powerful display of emerging graphic design talent through the “Sur Emergente” exhibition, curated by Joaquín Béjares H., director of Local Chile. His lecture is expected to be one of the highlights of the festival, especially for those looking to dive deep into South America’s booming design scene.

The female-driven Croatian collective, Oaza, is also part of the festival, showcasing the significant contributions of Croatian women in design through a poster exhibition and a lecture on their project, “,” an online archive celebrating the work of female designers. It’s moments like these that remind us how essential it is to document and celebrate the often-overlooked contributions of women in the creative fields. Koraljka Vlajo, a curator at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, further explores this theme with an exhibition on Croatian women designers.

One of the main highlights of the evening was the announcement of the ZGDW Award winners, a prestigious recognition of innovation and creativity across six categories: Graphic Design, Product Design, Textile and Fashion Design, Spatial Design, Digital Communication and Interaction Design, and Social Innovation Design. These awards, chosen by an international panel of design experts, shine a spotlight on the immense talent present in the region. From Komel’s thought-provoking work for Kino Šiška to Jona Bednjanec’s eclectic “Granny Takes a Trip” in the fashion category, the diversity of ideas and execution was nothing short of impressive.

In the spirit of celebrating all facets of design, the Orson Welles Studio—named after the legendary director who spent part of his career in Zagreb—hosts an exhibition featuring the best furniture designers from Croatia and Southeast Europe. For those curious about the future of design, the festival also offers an exhibition from design schools and universities, showcasing the next generation of innovators. And for those looking to bring a piece of this creativity home, the ZGDW Market allows attendees to purchase products directly from designers.

Fashion lovers will have their fill as well, with a runway show featuring the work of six designers, including Helen Kelen, SALICULA, SSYYNN, and Vicko Racetin. It’s always inspiring to see how the intersection of art and design plays out on the runway, especially in a setting like this, where boundaries are meant to be pushed.

And let’s not forget the broader public. The festival has truly thought of everything, including educational workshops and activities suitable for all ages. Whether it’s “DIY Notebook Making,” “Botanical Eco-printing,” or even the whimsically named “Slime Workshop,” there’s no shortage of hands-on activities. Personally, I’m always in awe of how design connects with daily life in unexpected ways, and I can’t wait to see what creative sparks fly in these workshops.

For those more inclined towards relaxation (or who, like me, enjoy multitasking between learning and lounging), the main stage at Jadran Film’s park area will host lectures, panels, music, and film screenings. With documentaries like Design for All, Vivienne Westwood: God Save the Queen, and Design Is One: The Vignellis lined up, it’s the perfect place to soak in some design inspiration while enjoying the festival atmosphere.

This year’s Zagreb Design Week promises to be a celebration of creativity, inclusivity, and collaboration. Whether you’re an industry insider, a curious spectator, or just someone who enjoys a good time with a creative twist, there’s something here for you. I, for one, can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings.