Design Brilliance, Tiled: Spotlight on Spain's Yearly Showcase Wonders

Spotlighting the Finest in Spain’s Tiled Interiors

Tile of Spain, the revered international brand representing over 100 ceramic tile manufacturers associated with the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturers Association (ASCER), recently announced the winners of the 22nd annual Tile of Spain Awards of Architecture and Interior Design. The award ceremony, a highlight in the design community, showcased outstanding projects that captivated the esteemed panel of judges, chaired by the acclaimed architect Carme Pinós, founder of Estudio Carme Pinós.

Architecture Triumph: “House in Puntiró” by Ripoll-Tizón

Ripoll-Tizón clinched the prestigious first prize in the Architecture category with their remarkable project, “House in Puntiró.” Nestled in the steep topography of Puntiró, Mallorca, Spain, this single-family home harmoniously integrates with its natural surroundings. The residence, designed across different levels, flawlessly follows the contours of the land, creating an immersive experience for its inhabitants. The jury unanimously celebrated the project’s seamless integration, applauding the coherent selection of materials and architectural expression.

The Architecture category also spotlighted finalists who showcased diverse visions of excellence. “Square + bus-stop in Vinarós” by La Errería * Architecture Office, “Alterations and extensions to Buenavista Cultural Centre” by Padilla Nicás Arquitectos + Mariluz Sánchez, “María Zambrano Infant School” by Magén Arquitectos, and “Conversion of an abandoned building into 27 flats” by NUA arquitectures demonstrated the breadth of creativity and innovation within the architectural realm.

Interior Design Triumph: “Isabel la Católica House” by Agustín Gor Gomez (Imagen Subliminal)

Interior Design Triumph: "Isabel la Católica House" by Agustín Gor Gomez (Imagen Subliminal)

Agustín Gor Gomez of GRX Arquitectos claimed the top spot in the Interior Design category with the captivating “Isabel la Católica House.” This project exemplifies the restoration of an apartment building originally designed by renowned architect José María García de Paredes. Gor Gomez’s vision was to conserve the hallmark characteristics of Paredes’ work while transforming the space into two contemporary homes. The jury lauded the project’s use of a timeless, standard tile throughout the home, skillfully adapted to complement its plasticity.

Interior Design Special Mention: “Cloud House” by Studio Animal

In the Interior Design category, “Cloud House” by Studio Animal received a special mention, recognizing its exceptional contributions to the field.

The Interior Design category also celebrated finalists who demonstrated creative excellence in their respective projects. “Cabanyal House” by Virtua Lab and “Urban Cabinet Series (2): The Expanded Columns” by Beatriz Arroyo and Lys Villalba showcased the diverse and innovative approaches to interior design in the contemporary landscape.

The 22nd Annual Tile of Spain Awards not only celebrated the winning projects but also highlighted the richness and diversity of architectural and interior design achievements within the Spanish design community.

Cover Image: Urban Cabinet Series (2): The Expanded Columns” by Beatriz Arroyo and Lys Villalba