Reach for the Stars with Eco-Luxurious Lighting

Reach for the Stars with Eco-Luxurious Lighting

Picture yourself beneath the canopy of a star-studded night sky, lost in the vastness of the cosmos, where distant galaxies twinkle like distant dreams. Some of these celestial realms are so far-flung that they exist beyond the reach of our wanderlust. And who’s to say what secrets they hold—perhaps, life forms akin to our own, or entirely alien. The universe, with its boundless expanse, remains a realm of fascination and mystery.

Now, imagine if a fragment of this cosmic spectacle could be woven into the very fabric of our homes, inviting us to reach out and touch the stars. Such is the vision realized by Reach—a luminary creation that clinched the silver prize in the esteemed IDA Design Awards 2023, alongside an honorable mention at the European Product Design Awards 2023 and a victory at the LIT Lighting Design Awards 2023.

Reach by Sara Ourani-pourdashti

Designed by Sara Ourani-Pourdashti, Reach is a mix of art, science, and sustainability. Crafted from recycled glass, the two satellite-like structures appear suspended in a void, connected by a mesmerizing LED strip that casts a gentle, ambient glow. Inspired by the eternal loop of the infinity symbol, Reach embodies the boundless potential of the cosmos, inviting us to ponder the limitless possibilities that lie beyond.

Yet, Reach is not just a feast for the eyes—it’s also a conscientious choice for the environmentally conscious. Utilizing recycled glass minimizes its ecological footprint, while its modular design allows for easy maintenance and repair. With a simple twist of a bolted plate, the glass components can be effortlessly swapped out, ensuring longevity and sustainability.

Reach by Sara Ourani-pourdashti

Offering a choice between silver and gold, Reach caters to diverse tastes and moods. The silver variant evokes a sleek, modern aesthetic reminiscent of the distant stars, while the gold variant exudes opulence with its bronze-tinted glass and gilded accents, adding a touch of luxury to any space.

Reach by Sara Ourani-pourdashti

By bringing the infinite beauty of the universe into our homes, Reach not only inspires us to dream but also encourages us to nurture and protect the wonders that surround us, ensuring that the stars continue to shine bright for generations to come.