WSAA Design Team, iWill Biomedical Technology Inc

Factory and Office Space Embracing Fluidity and Dynamism

Taiwanese poet Yu Kuang Chung, said, “The Northern Tropic is like a string of musical instruments that play out warm melody upon the reflection of the sun.” Standing at the foot of Alishan, gazing towards Jade Mountain in the distance, one can truly feel the resonance of Taiwan’s enduring melody. This picturesque setting serves as the backdrop for the new rising suburbs of Chiayi City, where the Taiwan Bifido Group Dapumei Park, operated by its subsidiary iWill Biomedical Technology Inc., stands.

The project site, nestled amidst mountains and forests, is a canvas for architectural innovation. Design by the WSAA Design Team not only reflects the ideals of the iWill brand but also harmonizes with the natural surroundings.

WSAA Design Team, iWill Biomedical Technology Inc

Guided by iWill’s ethos of being 95% by nature and promoting natural, pure, and environmentally friendly products, architectural vision transcends the conventional rigidity of factory structures. Instead, they’ve crafted a building that exudes warmth and amiability, mirroring the ethos of the company it represents.

Inspired by the soft and delicate texture of “Mousse,” a key component in iWill’s skincare products, the design embodies fluidity and dynamism. The undulating walls of the factory mimic the airy texture of mousse, creating a visually striking facade. Strategically placed openings ensure ample ventilation while infusing the interior with a lively ambiance.

Moreover, the design pays homage to the surrounding landscape, with a layered architecture reminiscent of mountain ridges. By embracing this organic form, they not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the building but also promote sustainability and environmental consciousness.

The incorporation of energy-efficient materials further underscores iWill’s commitment to green innovation. From earthquake-resistant steel insulation panels to EPS boards for thermal insulation, every element of the design is chosen to minimize environmental impact and optimize energy efficiency.

WSAA Design Team, iWill Biomedical Technology Inc

At the helm of this visionary project is Lead Architect Weng Sung Hao, whose passion for architecture is matched only by his dedication to sustainability and community engagement. With a philosophy rooted in history, culture, and nature, Weng’s designs breathe new life into the architectural landscape.

WSAA Design Team, iWill Biomedical Technology Inc

As the iWill Biomedical Technology Inc. factory takes its place as the newest example of sustainable design, it not only symbolizes the company’s commitment to innovation but also serves to show the enduring harmony between humanity and nature. In this symphony of architecture and landscape, Taiwan’s melody continues to resonate, echoing through the valleys and reaching for the sky.