
Ezun is a New Smart Solution to Lower Limb Rehabilitation

Physical rehabilitation after an injury of the lower limbs is a complex challenge. It usually involves a lot of motivation, time, and resources. To return to full function the muscles in the lower limbs must be strengthened, develop their ability to make an effort for a long time, and improve the speed of action. Therefore, Soof Azani decided to take action and designed Ezun. Ezun is a smart training surface for knee and ankle injuries. It contains the functions of necessary products in the restoration process and uses modern technologies.


Soof Azani has recently completed their bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design at HIT College. Being passionate about sports activities related to balance, surfing, and yoga made them come up with the idea. This is also the inspiration for the design of Ezun and supporting the rehabilitation of patients.  

The idea that the designer had was to help the process of rehabilitation. It takes the patient through five main stages which are rest, gaining range of motion, reinforcing and starting an activity, intense performance of the activity, and prevention of repeated injuries. By using the injury protocol and analyzing the patient’s progress, the app connected to Ezun knows how to match them with additional exercises that will suit the patient’s physical condition.

The awareness of training results and the constant change in the training program creates small challenges, which allow the patient to be independent and actively involved in the process.


The product is designed to provide a home solution for knee and ankle injuries. One of its main goals is to fit all the steps and parameters in the physical rehabilitation process while emphasizing the user experience. By using gamification values Such as setting goals, tracking, real-time feedback, and belonging, Ezun empowers motivation and involvement in the user’s personal process.

With Ezun the user can perform over 25 different exercises that combine stability, speed, and strength. Additionally, the connection to the digital app allows the user to adjust the training program according to the injury protocol and physical data. The app views demonstration videos of the required exercises and updates the training results and progress graph.


What is more, there is the option to share the training results with a professional therapist if they are involved in the process.

The body of the product is divided into three parts. The two upper parts are made of 12 mm plywood and the third part is made of aluminum. The lower part serves as a docking station for a resistance rubber band made of silicone. In the lower part of the product are sliding rings covered in Cordura fabric and a wide velcro connecting three balancing rings between them.

At the heart of the product, a motion sensor is installed, providing information on the user’s progress and balance. Around the inner perimeter of the product, there are four flat flashlights with touch sensors. The lights are the playful heart of the product and the means of communication between the product and the user. the docking points of the flashlights are also used as charging points and are held in place by magnets.


Ezun is intended for home use but is also suitable for gyms and clinics. Its diameter allows standing on one or two feet depending on the required exercise and its height is a derivative of ankle range of motion exercises.

The product is intended for the field of physical rehabilitation among professional and amateur athletes. The worlds of balance boards, pilates, and surfing materially influenced the design.

The designer, Soof Azani, has won the FIT Sport Design Award in the Emerging Sports Gear Designer of the Year category.

Photo credit: Soof Azani